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Enjoy, Nancy

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Off Topic: Yea, I Now Have Internet!

It's been over a year without having internet in my home that I currently live in.  Yes, I moved last year.  This is why I didn’t have internet for a whole year.  We finally found something that works for now even though it's not what we really desire.  However, some internet is better than no internet, right?  

So, what does this mean for my blog?  Well, for now, not that much because I don't have a desktop computer set up to really blog.  So it'll be pretty much the same as it has been for the past year.  I know, boring....but at least it's a step in the right direction to blogging on a more consistent basis!  Will what or how I blog about change much?  Maybe or maybe not, but I do know that there are not as many free selections being offered as compared to a few years back.  So we'll just have to see together.  I'm just looking forward to blogging again soon on a more consistent basis.

Thank you as always for your patience and I do hope that you will continue to stick around when I return to blogging more regularly.  

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