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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Reviews: Gorton's Smart & Crunchy

Gorton's has two new products that are better for you.  They are called Gorton's Smart & Crunchy.

Gorton's Smart & Crunchy are always crispy, never fried.  The Gorton's Smart & Crunchy Fish Sticks have 50% less fat than Gorton's regular fish sticks and are 180 calories per serving.  Both the Gorton's Smart & Crunchy Fish Sticks and Fillets are made with 100% wild-caught Alaska Pollock and breaded in tasty panko breadcrumbs that give them a great crunch your family will love.  The whole Gorton's entire line has no artificial flavors or MSG.  Fish and seafood are natural sources of lean protein and critical nutrients like vitamins and minerals including iron; zinc; and vitamins A, B, and D.  Gorton's is easy to keep in your freezer so you always have a nutritious and great-tasting meal on-hand.

I received a nice kit from Gorton's to try out their new Gorton's Smart & Crunchy products.  Since they were so generous and gave me five free product coupons I decided to do a taste test between their Gorton's Smart & Crunchy Fish Sticks and Fillets and their original Gorton's Fish Sticks and Crunchy Breaded Fish Fillets to see how they compare to each other.  I placed the original product on one cookie sheet and the new product on a second cookie sheet as pictured below (original on left, new on right).  Both products even look somewhat the same but you can really see a little more detail in the new product due to the panko breadcrumbs.

As to how they tasted, well there really is a big difference in how they taste.  I liked the Gorton's Smart & Crunchy a little more.  It tastes better.  The fish also looks more whole and not all minced like in the original fish sticks.  My husband really liked the Gorton's Smart & Crunchy.  He definitely could tell the difference in how they tasted.  They are much more flavorful and sort of tasted fresher too.  While I'm still not the biggest eater of fish, I really do like Gorton's fish sticks and fillets.  Now I can enjoy them even more since they are healthier for me which is always wonderful.

If you'd like to learn more about Gorton's Smart & Crunchy you can check out the Gorton's Smart & Crunchy website where you can download a coupon, search for recipes, learn about the tour, and sign up for the e-newsletter.  Plus also check out their social pages:

Disclaimer: I was given a Gorton's Smart & Crunchy Blogger Kit ((5) free product coupons for Gorton's Seafood, Gorton's apron (adult and child size), and a Smarty Crunchman Plush Stuffy) to help me write this review.  All of the opinions in this review are mine and not influenced in any way.  Your experience with the products may be different than mine.


  1. I love Gortons Fish sticks. Never tried their fillets but I like Mcdonalds fish fillets lol.


  2. I do enjoy eating fish fillets! Not all the time, but as the occasional easy meal. 13iscute AT gmail DOT com

  3. I like both fish sticks and fish fillets, but we buy fillets much more often.

    karin56381 (at)

  4. I like both but prefer fish sticks. They are easier to eat.

  5. I like their fish sticks!


  6. I enjoy eating fish sticks!

  7. Vera Wilson,
    I like the fillet. Will use this in a sandwich.

    snoopysnop1 at yahoo dot com

  8. I like mostly shrimp -- or swordfish.
    prizewinner at hotmail dot com

  9. I do not like fish sticks but my son and fiance like them.

  10. i like the fillets myself, but gordons has so many good products -- i am like mikie --i will eat it all

  11. my e-mail is
