All offers on this website are still active unless stated expired. I'll update this when I can. If you find an offer that has expired please leave a comment so I can update it.

Every offer on this blog I have signed up for unless I've stated I have not. When a freebie is received I'll update its post as proof that freebies I put on here do come.

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Enjoy, Nancy

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Life Just Seems To Get So Busy

So I haven't posted to you in a while, unless you call posting about Swagbucks something.  Which it is but I'm sure by now all or most of you are already members or don't care to be.  Do you ever notice how life just seems to get so busy?  Lately for me it has, in one way or another.  I used to be so busy in taking surveys and posting on this blog but lately other stuff in my life has now taken over most of the time I have done for that.  While I still enjoy taking surveys and posting on this blog I have found other activities that are equally just as enjoyable too.  So I have to prioritize how I spend my time and for now taking surveys and posting on the blog have taken more of a back seat.  Maybe they'll come back to being a priority but for now they cannot.  

I have noticed this past year that the number of sample requests have seemed to have slowed down a lot compared to a few years back.  That's partly why I don't post so much either. If this trend continues then that should be fine.  I could try and post about other topics when the time is available to me.  We shall see how my life goes in the coming years ahead of me.  Till then I hope you still enjoy what I share from time to time.  Besides the Swagbucks posts that is, as I'm sure you might be bored of hearing about Swagbuck's latest event that they are having.

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